Giving Options

Giving to Our Mission            

At Full Gospel Church, you’re surrounded by a family of Christ-followers who are incredibly generous with their time, energy and resources.  Our mission is to reach our community with the good news of the gospel by every means possible.

When you give, you help to create a loving, sharing church that unchurched people love to attend, and thereby help lead those people into a growing, loving relationship with their Heavenly Father.  

You can give right now.

Other Ways to Give               


For those who wish to give via e-transfer, these can be sent easily to (no password required) .

Mobile Giving

There are 2 ways you can support FGC quickly and easily from your mobile phone:


You can give by simply texting the word GIVEto 833-394-7679 (our giving dedicated number).  Follow the link to set up your account (1 time, ~3 mins) and from then on, it’s as easy as texting the amount you wish to give to that number (i.e. to give $100.00, simply text 100 to the above number).  For more details, you can click here.


You can also give by downloading the app, simply follow these 4 easy steps:

  1. Go to the app store and search (the green one) 
  2. Create an account (one time, 3 minute process).
  3. Search for Full Gospel Church.
  4. Donate

From then on, it’s as simple as open the app and donate.

Automated  Giving

You can sign up to give automatically via our Pre-Authorized Debit (P.A.D.) program.  You set the amount of your gift, and the frequency it’s given (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).  Once set up, you don't have to think about it from week to week. And the amazing part is, because it’s consistent, you help make our mission even stronger!

To sign up for P.A.D.. please download the form below, fill it out, and return it to the church office.

P.A.D. Form


Sunday Services

You can join us at either of our weekly services and give in person using the giving envelopes provided, or at the debit terminal in the main foyer.  If you would like envelopes with a personal donation number, please contact the office at to request them.



You can mail a cheque to the church at:

   Full Gospel Church

   2256 Larry Uteck Blvd.

   Bedford, NS, B4B 1E3

Please make cheques payable to Full Gospel Church.


Online Giving

You can also support FGC via PayPal &, both of which are accessible below, and also on your smartphone’s web browser. is an organization that facilitates donations to Canadian registered charities

and issues you a tax receipt directly

Give via CanadaHelps                                                                                                                                           

PayPal:  You can also give via Paypal, using your credit or debit card, or PayPal account via the button below. Thank you!