This Sunday ~
10am Combined Service
This Sunday, December 29th, we are thrilled to welcome Pastor Nathan and Mandy Hill! Pastor Nathan will share the Word with us at a special 10:00 AM COMBINED Service.
We look forward to seeing you!
Join Us For Worship
We are a multi-cultural and multi-generational church who love to do life together.
Our focus is to Love God, Love Others and Repeat!
Our desire is for people of all ages and backgrounds to encounter the life-changing power of a living God who cares about them. We want to see each person enjoy a vibrant relationship with God and with each another.
We embrace practical, Bible-centred teaching to guide our lives, families, and church.
With such amazing diversity in our church family, we recognize that different people have different preferences in their expressions of worship. In an effort to make it as easy as possible for people to connect with God through worship, we have chosen to express our worship through two worship services.
At 9am, we have our more contemporary style worship service, with a more relaxed atmosphere.
At 11am, our service is more of a traditional gospel style, including more older songs & hymns.
We welcome you to join us for the service that best suits your more desired expression of worship.
Services Online
Though we love gathering together to worship,
we recognize that not everyone is able to join us in person on a given week.
Not to worry!
If you are unable to join us here in the building, all our services are available online, and we are excited to have you join us there as well.
You can join our livestream on our YouTube channel, /@fgchalifax,
or simply click the following link:
Can We Pray With You?
If you have something that you would like us to pray with you about, please feel free to click the link below, or send your requests to prayer@fgchalifax.ca.
Our prayer team will be happy to pray for you. If you would like someone to contact you regarding your prayer request. please indicate that in your message, provide the necessary information for us to reach you, and we will contact you.
To submit a prayer request, CLICK HERE
Full Gospel Church is an evangelical, community-focused Christian fellowship. We are a multicultural and multi-generational family of Christ-followers who love doing life together.
Our desire is for people of all ages and backgrounds to encounter the life-changing power of a living God who cares about them. We want to see each person enjoy a vibrant relationship with God
and with each another.
We embrace practical Bible-based teaching to guide our lives, families, and church.
Our weekly Sunday worship services are held at 9:00am & 11:00am (traditional style).
We would love to have you join us!
Servant Leadership
Full Gospel Church has always nurtured a strong volunteer base. Jesus himself was the best example of one who humbled Himself to serve others (Philippians 2:1-8). From lead pastor Russell Knowles on down, both our full-time staff and volunteer leaders and workers seek to follow the example of Christ in everything we do. We welcome the involvement of new members in the various ministries of our church. There is joy in serving others!
Join Our Email List
If you would like to receive our regular church family emails,
you can do so simply by clicking the link below and completing the simple sign-up form.
Thanks for staying connected!
FGC Family Email Sign-up, CLICK HERE
Contact Us
We are conveniently located on the Bedford-Hammonds Plains border at 2256 Larry Uteck Blvd. at Hammonds Plains Road. We are 5 minutes from multiple Hwy. 102 exits, and under 30 minutes driving time from most communities in Halifax, Dartmouth, Sackville, Spryfield, Timberlea and Tantallon.